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Web Marketing
Domain Hosting
Web Translation
Call Center


In order to create new corporate websites, we follow the stringent guidelines that are essential for the effective promotion of your business.

These guideline focus on :

Corporate Identity and Branding : This refers to your company logo or motto, corporate colours, slogans, and any brands and services, which you may offer to the buying public. The more uniform your corporate identity is structured; the greater your market positioning and visibility amongst competitors will be. For example, the Nike shoe brand has a clearly defined corporate identity and branding which is recognised by both its competitors and the public and it is the brand identity itself drives the product.

Company Methodology : We try to ensure that your company methodology is understood and communicated. This is essential to highlight your Corporate Identity and to focus on Brand Awareness.

Precise Presentation of Information : It is of utmost importance that the content of your web pages is concise, easy to understand and effectively communicates the information that your are trying to get across to your prospective customers. Effective communication of company information is just one step away from getting that sale. It is also important that your website supports your marketing strategy and provokes the interest of the reader.

Website Usability : Your website is your online service desk and it is therefore important that it should be as simple as possible to use. Our expertise in customer relations management together with a strong marketing approach achieve effective user-friendly websites. It is also important that Internet users can read and understand your website and we therefore translate your web pages into the various languages that may be applicable to your target market.


Optimal Visibility : It is important that your website is made available to the complete market which you are trying to reach. Our main focus is to ensure top Search Engine Rankings for your website as it has proven to be one of the most effective Internet marketing tools. Our focus is to increase customer traffic to your website and to ensure that your website architecture is optimised for high Search Engine Rankings on the keywords that your customers are likely to use in a search.