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Call Center


What is a Call Center?

In a global marketplace today, the consumers are more demanding than ever.

A call center is an umbrella term that refers to reservations centers, help desks, information lines or customer service centers, regardless of how they are organized or what types of transactions they handle. In its most sophisticated form, the term refers to a voice operations environment that provides a full range of high-volume, inbound or outbound call-handling services, including customer support, operator services, directory assistance, multilingual customer support, credit services, card services, inbound and outbound telemarketing, interactive voice response and web-based services.

A call center is like any other office environment where you will find many people talking on the phone and working with computers. The key difference is that in a call center the employees' primary job is to take calls and help customers. When they finish with one customer, they move on to the next customer that is waiting in line.

By integrating our call center services, web development/support and marketing solutions, we are able to build customized solutions that suit our client’s specific needs.

Call Center Agent Proficiency

An Inbound call center agents must successfully complete a rigorous training program and a Sales and Customer Service Certification Course prior to proceeding to client-specific training. If you work in a call center, you will need to be good with people and comfortable talking on the phone, but there is more to it than just the phone call.

Call Center Technology

Technology plays a major role in the call center. Most call centers will have a computer terminal for each customer service agent to use while taking calls from customers. These computers are used to access customer records, product information, ordering status, transaction history and many other types of data. We provide a single point-of-contact for all aspects of call center engagements, including systems design and integration, software development and post-implementation production support.

Also, by providing toll free telephone support, live chat, and email management solutions, we can help you with anything from leveraging your marketing campaign to increasing online customer support.

Call Center Foreign Language Support

This Call Center Technology also allows companies to hire around the world. For example, you may be calling in Europe and have your call answered by someone in Asia. In most cases, other than accent differences between regions, you may not be aware that this call was routed to an international location.

We are dedicated to servicing our clients in English, Italian, Czech, German through our global facilities.

If you want to know more about our Call Center Services, please fill out this form and our staff will contact you as soon as possible.
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